Posted in Reflections


July  03, 2017 Reading

Ephesians 2:19-22

Psalm 117: 1, 2

John 20:24-29


You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.

~Ephesians 2:19

Some of us would think that we are not enough or ready to be part of God’s family or to serve him because we look into ourselves as undeserving may be due to insecurities, inexperience or sinfulness. But we should believe and trust that no matter who we are, God still and always love, forgive and guide us in every path we take.

With this, we will be the cornerstone of His kingdom, we will be the source of joy and strength of his people and let us continue to prove them how good and great God is. Let us lead the way in any possible way we can.

Dear God, thank you for everyday blessing you have given to us. Keep on loving, guiding and forgiving us.

Love lots,
